What does facial feminization surgery cost?
Table of contents:
The stated prices are estimated and may vary depending on the exact treatment. There is no VAT due on transgender operations.
All prices include general anesthesia, medication and materials, and 1 overnight stay on a full board basis unless indicated otherwise.
- Eyebrow lift.
- Canthopexy (lifting of the outer eyelid corner)
- Chemical peel:
- TCA peel - performed by Dr. Hein Knapen (medium skin penetration using TCA)
- Chin recontouring
- With liposuction under the chin if needed
- With lateral jaw reduction (shaving) and liposuction under the chin if needed
- With sliding genioplasty and lateral jaw reduction (shaving) and liposuction under the chin if needed
- With sliding genioplasty and liposuction under the chin if needed
- Ear correction
- Earlobe correctio
- Facelift
- Forehead recontouring
- type 1 (shaving)
- with eyebrow lift (orbital rim shaving included)
- with hairline recontouring and eyebrow lift (orbital rim shaving included)
- type 2 (shaving and lifting)
- with eyebrow lift (orbital rim shaving included)
- with hairline recontouring and eyebrow lift (orbital rim shaving included)
- type 3 (reconstruction)
- with eyebrow lift (orbital rim shaving included)
- with hairline recontouring and eyebrow lift (orbital rim shaving included)
- type 1 (shaving)
- Hairline recontouring
- Jaw angle
- reduction
- with custom-made implants
- and chin recontouring and liposuction under the chin if needed
- and chin recontouring (and sliding genioplasty) and liposuction under the chin if needed
- Jaw surgery
- Lower jaw surgery - lower jaw osteotomy (BSSO)
- Upper jaw surgery (Lefort I)
- Widening of the upper jaw (smile distractor)
- Lipofilling
- Liposuction under the jaw and in the neck
- Medpor implant
- for cheek augmentation (type Midface Rim 003-004)
- nasolabial area (Paranasal Large, 7mm projection)
- nasolabial area (Paranasal Petite, 19-20, 4.5mm projection)
- Mid-facelift
- with canthopexy, eyelid correction of the lower eyelid and lipofilling of the nasolabial folds
- eyelid correction of the lower eyelid and lipofilling of the nasolabial folds
- PEEK chin implant + lateral jaw reduction (shaving)
- PEEK chin implants:
- custom-made chin and jaw
- custom-made chin
- custom-made forehead
- custom-made temporal (at the temples)
- Platysmaplasty (tightening of the neck muscles
- Removal of excess skin by an incision at the chin fold
- Rhinoplasty (nose correction)
- (reconstructive)
- Tracheal reduction (shaving)
- Lip lift (with local anesthesia)
- Eyelid correction (with local anesthesia)
- Upper eyelids
- Lower eyelids
When it comes to facial feminization surgery (FFS), there is no 'one size fits all'. Everybody has their own unique facial features and their own specific desires. The amount and duration of the procedures you need or want influence the average price for FFS surgery. Roughly speaking, Facial Feminization Surgery costs range from 5 000 to 60 000 euros. At 2pass Clinic, prices range from 5 000 to 40 000 euro depending on the procedures you need.
We believe that for many transgender women, FFS is medically necessary to treat gender dysphoria. It can be just as important or even more important than sex reassignment surgery (SRS) in reducing gender dysphoria and helping trans women integrate socially as women. We think it should be covered by your basic medical insurance, but unfortunately, it is still far from ideal. Although health coverage increasingly accepts different types of gender transition surgery, facial feminization surgery remains part of the “cosmetic” category for many insurers. We made a webpage with an overview of the facial feminization surgery insurance policies of different countries.
The average cost of Facial Feminization Surgery
Facial Feminization Surgery is a proven way to pass much more easily and boosts your self-confidence and acceptance. However, the price of FFS is high and for many of us, knowing the average rates of a surgeon can help in making an informed decision. Since most patients have to make a long journey for FFS, travel and accommodation costs are other factors to take into account.
Caution — A higher cost does not equal better care or a better quality treatment. In the end, one has to make a decision based on which FFS surgeon can most likely give them the preferred outcome.
Cost comparison of 6 FFS surgeons
A patient gave us access to her 6 facial feminization surgery cost quotes, all made for the same patient. Based on those quotes, we have made a detailed FFS price comparison. You can find the prices for each of these FFS surgeons by downloading the pdf right below.
Download the FFS cost comparison table
Price FFS: Costs of medical treatment
We have FFS price quotes from the following 6 surgeons:
- Facial Team, Marbella, Spain
- Dr. Marcelo Di Maggio, MDM Surgery, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Dr. Christopher Inglefield, London Transgender Clinic (LTC), UK
- Dr. Harrison Lee, Los Angeles / New York, USA
- Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel, Boston, USA
- Dr. Bart van de Ven, 2pass Clinic, Antwerp, Belgium
All surgeons gave a quotation for the following procedures:
- Forehead reconstruction
- Rhinoplasty
- Lip lift
The proposals included additional fees for anesthesia, materials and the hospital. In one case (Dr Di Maggio), a specific Argentinian tax had to be added. Quotations were given in Euro (€), British pound (£), and US dollar ($). For this comparison, we converted and rounded all prices to the Euro.
Some remarks:
- The quotes are based on one individual patient. Fees may differ in other cases.
- Dr Di Maggio (MDM) works in two different locations. One of the hospitals is cheaper.
- Dr Lee’s rates were obtained by telephone, without prior consultation.
- From an American patient, we learned that her quote for surgery by Facial Team was nearly twice as high as the one by 2pass Clinic. Apparently, Facial Team might have different prices for FFS depending on the country the patient lives in.
- Caution — A higher cost does not equal better care or a higher quality treatment. In the end, you have to make a decision based on which FFS surgeon can most likely give you the preferred outcome. Learn here how to choose your surgeon.
Cost for stay during recovery after FFS
- Facial Team and 2pass Clinic provided a quote for staying in their own accommodation. The costs of staying at a clinic were based on figures from BudgetYourTrip.com.
- Facial Team recommended a stay of 11 days, 2pass Clinic 7 days, MDM 16 days, Dr. Spiegel 10 days. Our comparison is based on 10 days at each location.
- Click the button below to discover the costs for each of these 6 FFS surgeons.
Download the FFS cost comparison table
Testimonial — FFS costs of Jessica
Jessica asked quotes for her full FFS with different surgeons before she chose to have her surgery with us. The price difference between them was huge. Let's take a look at her case:
This comparative study is based on the price for Jessica’s round of full Facial Feminization Surgery* (see video above). She had the following procedures done:
- Hairline reduction
- Type 3 forehead recontouring
- Rhinoplasty
- Jaw and chin recontouring
- Tracheal shave
- Lipofilling cheeks
- Lipofilling lips
*What we consider a ‘full FFS’ generally consists of about 4 to 5 major procedures and one or two minor ones.
The Facial Feminization Surgery cost in Europe
Even within Europe, you can find many differences in pricing for a full Facial Feminization Surgery. Let’s compare the full price for Jessica's FFS in Belgium versus Spain, the two main FFS hubs.
- Prices in Belgium — The cost for the full FFS in Jessica’s example above was 23 500 euros. This included a one week stay in the guesthouse and all hospital and surgery fees.
- Prices in Spain — A full FFS containing all of the procedures we listed above, would come in at around 48 000 euros. This would include an 11-day stay after the surgery, as well as all other hospital and surgery fees.
The Facial Feminization Surgery cost in the United States
The full price of Jessica FFS in the US would come in at between 50 000-60 000 dollars (~ 43 000-53 000 euros), including all hospital and surgery fees.
Want to follow Jessica during her FFS journey?
She has her own youtube channel where you can see her FFS results and her recovery!
We are doing our very best to keep this information up-to-date. In case you see anything that no longer seems accurate, or in case you have a question, please fill out the form below!