Verkleining kaakhoek
Behalve de zone rond het voorhoofd en de ogen is het belangrijkste kenmerk van een vrouwelijk gezicht haar vorm. Die wordt voor een groot deel bepaald door de vorm van de kaak. Een opvallende onderkaak geeft het gezicht een eerder vierkante, mannelijke uitstraling. Iets wat doorgaans niet aantrekkelijk gevonden wordt door vrouwen. Een verkleining van de kaak, of het bijschaven ervan, kan een goede oplossing zijn als onderdeel van een Facial Feminization Surgery.
Wat maakt een kaak mannelijk of vrouwelijk?
De mannelijke kaak is meestal zwaarder en breder omdat de spieren die vastgehecht zijn aan de hoeken van het kaakbeen groter zijn. Vrouwelijke kaaklijnen lopen vaker uit in een zachte lijn van de oorlel naar de kin. Bij mannen loopt de kaaklijn vaak recht naar beneden om vervolgens scherp af te buigen aan de kin, waardoor de kaak er vierkant uitziet.
Mannelijke kaak
| Vrouwelijke kaak
De kaak vervrouwelijken
Met behulp van een kaakverkleining kan men de vorm en de grootte van de kaak reduceren. De kaak wordt ronder en smaller gemaakt daar waar ze vierkant is, achteraan het kaakbeen. Meestal wordt een kaakverkleining gecombineerd met een recontouring van de kin, zodat er een harmonieus evenwicht ontstaat tussen deze aangrenzende gebieden.
Patiënten ouder dan 40 jaar kunnen na een kaakverkleining wat losse huid rond de kaak of kin krijgen. Dit kan na de oorspronkelijke kaakverkleining deels met een facelift worden opgelost.
- Algemene anesthesie—Doorgaans wordt een kaakverkleining uitgevoerd onder algemene anesthesie.
- Incisies—Alle incisies worden binnenin de mond gemaakt, zodat er geen littekens zichtbaar zijn aan de buitenkant.
- Microzaag—De aangeduide delen van prominent bot worden afgesneden met een microzaag. Deze zaag is op die manier gebogen dat er een mooi afgeronde contour mee bereikt kan worden.
- Hechtingen—De wonde wordt gesloten met oplosbare hechtingen.
- Hospitalisatie—De meeste patiënten zullen na hun kaakverkleining twee nachten in de kliniek verblijven.
- Zwelling—Zwelling is te verwachten maar verschilt sterk van persoon tot persoon. Een speciaal masker koelt het gezicht af en beperkt blauwe plekken, zwelling en pijn tot een minimum. Er is meestal aanzienlijk lang zwelling na deze procedure. Zwelling en blauwe plekken zullen ongeveer 2 tot 3 dagen na de operatie hun piek bereiken. Het duurt 6 weken tot 3 maanden voordat het grootste deel van de zwelling afneemt. Gemiddeld duurt het ongeveer 6 maanden voordat alle zwelling is afgenomen.
- Gevoelloosheid—De meeste vrouwen ervaren tijdelijk gevoelloosheid.
- Werk en sport—Als u het niet erg vindt om gezien te worden met de zwelling, kunt u eventueel 7 tot 10 dagen na de operatie uw sociale activiteiten voortzetten. Pas na 3 tot 4 weken mag u sporten of zwaarder fysiek werk doen.
- Hechtingen—De hechtingen lossen vanzelf op in ongeveer twee weken tijd.
- Infectie—Infectie is mogelijk maar zeldzaam.
- Gevoelloosheid—Gedeeltelijke gevoelloosheid van een deel van de kaak door zenuwbeschadiging (is zeldzaam maar mogelijk).
- Asymmetrie—Hoewel de chirurg de gebieden die hij gaat opereren zeer zorgvuldig markeert, kunnen er asymmetrieën zijn. Deze kunnen altijd achteraf worden gecorrigeerd.
Frequently asked questions
Wat kost deze procedure?
U kunt hier indicatieve prijzen terugvinden. Prijzen kunnen variëren afhankelijk van de exacte behandeling. Exacte prijzen kunnen alleen worden bekomen wanneer een offerte wordt aangevraagd.
U kunt op 2 verschillende manieren een offerte verkrijgen. U kunt een Skype of een live consult met één van onze artsen boeken waarna u een offerte en een fotosimulatie ontvangt. Klik hier indien u een algemeen beeld wilt krijgen van de FFS prijzen.
What happens if there are complications after the procedure and is this covered?
We will correct the complication if surgically possible, without charging any surgical fees. Hospital, material and traveling costs are for the expense of the patient.
Can I lose feeling (numbness) permanently in some areas following FFS surgery?
Some temporary numbness in any of the areas where bone work is done is an absolute certainty. That could include the scalp, forehead, chin, jaw or even cheek areas depending on where the surgery has been done. This happens because the soft tissue is detached from the bony area. Several thousand minor nerves are severed, and it will obviously take some while for those areas to heal. Up to 18 months of recovery time is not unusual, but it usually takes less time. You may not regain the same level of feeling as before.
Can I get this surgery if I’m a cis woman?
Yes, of course. We perform Facial Feminization Surgery on all women. Every woman is welcome at our clinic!
Is it safe for titanium screws staying inside my body for long term?
Yes it is. Two of the greatest benefits of titanium are its high strength-to-weight ratio and its corrosion resistance. Couple this with its non-toxic state and its ability to fight all corrosion from bodily fluids and it’s no wonder titanium has become the metal of choice within the field of medicine. Titanium is also incredibly durable and long-lasting. In principal they are not removed anymore and stay in the body. Only in case of an infection on the plates (rare) they will have to be removed. Another benefit to titanium for use in medicine is its non-ferromagnetic property, which allows patients with titanium implants to be safely examined with MRIs and NMRIs.
How long does it take for the final result to be visible and the bruises to disappear completely?
Recovery looks different for every patient, but bruising usually disappears after two to four weeks. The final result can be visible after a few months, but it may also take longer than a year. All information on recovering from FFS can be found on our recovery page.
Does bone grow back once it has been cut or shaved down?
In our experience no bone has ever grown back.
What happens with the stitches in my mouth?
They dissolve on their own in 5–7 weeks. They don’t have to be removed. If they would still be in your mouth after 7 weeks, you can easily remove them just by pulling on them, as they will immediately break due to the fact they will be mostly dissolved already.
Will the skin adapt to the new shape of the jaw?
The volume of the jaw and chin will be reduced and the swelling after this type of surgery can be massive. In a young patient with good elastic skin, the skin recuperates from all that stretching. If you are older, the skin will possibly not completely readapt to the new jaw shape resulting in a previously not existing sagging skin. That is why a lot of older FFS patients (late 30’s and older) may need a facelift. A facelift is best not performed at the same time as a jaw and chin recontouring because the result is suboptimal. We recommend at least 4 months between the two operations. The facelift helps enormously to show off the newly formed jaw and chin, resulting in a very female shape of the face.
Can a facelift be performed at the same time as a jaw angle reduction?
The swelling after a jaw angle reduction can be massive. That is why a facelift is best not performed at the same time as a jaw recontouring. The results will be suboptimal. We recommend at least 4 months between the two operations. The facelift helps enormously to show off the newly formed jaw and chin, resulting in a very female shape of the face.
When can I go back to a tanning bed after a chin and/or jaw recontouring
When all bruises have completely disappeared, after about 3 weeks approximately.
When fully healed will the jaw have the same strength as the previous jaw, or does having the jaw shaved make it permanently weak or prone to be damaged easier?
As only bone will be removed from the outside of the jaw and chin, which will give it a feminine shape, the jaw will be no weaker than the jaw and chin of a genetic woman. Real severe trauma would be necessary to break it. So there is no reason to worry. In case the chin needs to be advanced, the chin will be separated from the jaw and fixated with screws in its new position. In that case, the jaw will be weaker in the midline for a period of about 6 weeks. But the screw fixation is so strong that even in these cases a real trauma would be necessary to make the jaw break.
Can a chinplasty or jaw recountouring be performed when you have dental implants in that region?
Dental implants normally have a maximum length of 14mm. Natural teeth are longer. That’s why dental implants never create problems during a chinplasty or jaw recontouring.
Can dental implants still be inserted after a recontouring of jaw and chin?
The removal of bone will be done at the lower border of the jaw, far away from the teeth. So dental implants can be inserted after just as before.
Will I be able to eat?
If you haven’t had any treatment involving your teeth, a sliding genioplasty or orthognathic surgery, you’ll be able to eat normally quite soon. Due to the effects of general anesthesia, you should only feel nausea for the first few hours. You may prefer to eat softer or pureed foods initially if you have intra-oral sutures. Our catering service provides foods that are easy to ingest, to help you with that. After a sliding genioplasty, you should be very careful not to put too much force on the lower jaw e.g. by eating raw meat (steak) or by biting an apple. This should be avoided. The jaw is really weak in the chin area and it will take about 6 weeks until it has regained its original strength.
How many mm can the chin be put forward?
The maximum amount a chin can be put forward is about 8-10mm. But if you need this much, it’s probably the whole underjaw that is too far back, and you probably need orthognathic surgery.
With a chin height reduction is there significant sagging of the skin around the chin?
Of course there will be relatively more skin around the chin after a bony reduction of the chin. A hanging chin can however be avoided by meticulous suturing of the muscles of the chin and by wearing the facemask (for 1 week) that Dr van de Ven will provide you with after the surgery. The facemask gives strong upward support to the chin. If in spite of these measures, the skin is still sagging around the jaw and chin (this happens mostly in older patients with less elastic skin) one of the 3 types of facelifts that Dr van de Ven performs can bring the solution.
If I get a chin reduction, what will happen to the muscles? Will they be detached and repositioned?
The muscles on the outside of the chin will be detached before the chin bone reduction. After the surgery, the face mask that you will wear will push the muscles right back in position so they heal back to the bone.
How can I expect the feeling in my chin and lower lip to be after a chinplasty?
After a chinplasty, the feeling in the lower lip and chin is always disturbed. If the mental nerve (that comes out of the jawbone just behind the chin and then runs into the lower lip and skin of the chin) has not been ruptured during the surgery, for sure sensitivity will come back. It is not possible however to predict when and to which extent. Mostly the recovery will take between several weeks and several months but it can take up to even 2 years. It is normal that the sensitivity of the lower lip and chin doesn’t recover completely. If the mental nerve has been ruptured (in the hands of Dr Bart van de Ven less than 1%) it can be sutured. Of course, the prognosis will then be worse. Damage to the mental nerve will however not be visible to the outside world as it is a 100% sensory nerve. It doesn’t contain motor branches so the function of any muscle remains intact.
What about smoking?
As smoking counteracts wound healing we strongly advise against smoking during the 3 weeks before surgery until 3 weeks after surgery. Smoking dramatically increases the risk of skin necrosis and should be avoided at all times.
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