A beautifully feminine hairline with long hair transplants at 2pass Clinic
Exactly 1 year ago, we started off with our long hair transplant training program. We wanted to create beautifully feminine hairlines. We chose this specific technique to take some of the burden away from our patients, namely the part where they normally would have to shave off part of their hair. Often one of their most important markers of femininity.
We have now taken off as a fully specialized team, ready to give you the proper experience. What can you expect?
1-How many hair grafts can I get per day?
Per day, a team of two of our specialists can harvest around 500 hairs and transplant them back into the region where you need and want them most. Since you can book up to 3 days in a row of treatment at our clinic, you could get up to around 1,500 hairs transplanted in one visit.
Why not more? Long hair transplantation is a slower process than short, shaven hair transplantation. It is a much more delicate way of working.
2-How many hair grafts do I need? How much time do I need to book?
This depends on different factors. Like the amount of hair you have to start with, combined with the largeness of the region you want to have covered.
Covering a quarter-sized bald spot requires a few hundred grafts while a larger bald area closer to the size of an open hand may require a few thousand. The only way to accurately determine how many follicles you need to achieve your goals is to meet with a specialist for a consultation and discuss your goals 1-on-1.
3-Is it painful to get hair transplants? Will I be uncomfortable?
The most valuable way to answer that question, is to let one of our patients tell you about her experience! (For sensitive viewers: you won't see any graphic images until the very last few seconds, where you can see one of our specialist transplant long hairs into the scalp.)
You can find all of the more technical and medical information on our main long hair transplant page.
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